The best thing I can say about it is that it seems like a totally competent version of the kind of story it’s going for. I hesitate to call it a guilty pleasure because that implies one ought to be ashamed of liking what they like, but I think BASTARD!! is going to be one for a very specific kind of anime fan. And don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of nostalgia for that era! Works like Berserk, Trigun, and Hajime no Ippo sit at the pantheon of foundational Japanese fiction for me. Between the musclebound horndog protagonist, busty women, sneering villains, and the occasional mistimed comedic bit, it’s a true embodiment of the 90s era of manga and anime.

BASTARD!! is almost charming in how out of time it feels in 2022. The question then remains whether you’re in the market for that vibe or not. It’s a work that makes it abundantly clear of its tone, aesthetic, and overall vibe. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong about BASTARD!!. But will summoning the aggressive and crass Dark Schneider be worth the trouble he brings? Good thing Lucien’s childhood friend, Tia Noto Yoko is up to the task. However, he can only be unsealed by receiving the kiss of a virgin maiden. Only the legendary wizard, Dark Schneider, sealed into the body of mild-mannered Lucien, can save them. The Kingdom of Meta-licana is under attack by demons, monsters, and sinister warlocks. Alternative title: BASTARD!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy